The Holy Spirit–The Helper for All Occasions

“And l will pray the Father and He will give you another Helper,·
that He ri;lay abide with you forever … “John 14:16-18 NKJV

The Bible tells us everything we need to know about the gift of the Holy Spirit sent to us from God to enable us to become and do what He desires. The Holy Spirit is a person. When God created mankind, He said “Let Us make man in our likeness… “GEN.1:26)
The word “Us” refer to three persons of the Trinity- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Friends, Many of us sometimes face emergency situations in our life journey needing “911” emergency call to cry out to God in heaven for help. Even the disciples who received Jesus’ personal teaching could not live successively without divine aid. Hence, Jesus asked them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come before beginning to share their faith and make disciples. Each Believer/Christian is saved by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ is in-dwelled with the Holy Spirit. God’s help is readily available through the Holy Spirit, who in-dwells all believers and is constantly with each believer.

Friends, God loves people so much He provided an ever-present helper to all who place their faith in Jesus Christ.

Thanks to the Spirit, every Christian can become the person God desires him or her to be. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin. He seals us; teaches us; and guides us into the truth. The Spirit provides supernatural energy when we are weary. When we are in trouble or in need, we call upon the Holy Spirit and instantly connect to the power of our Heavenly Father-God Almighty. Are you yielding to the Holy Spirit?

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First Nations Baptist Church