Do you know Jesus?

Who Is The Man Called Jesus?

“But who do you say that I am” Matthew 16:15 NKJV
Jesus is both the most important and the most controversial that ever lived. To be a Jesus Christ disciple you must know who Jesus Christ is?.

Friends, Jesus asked the same question to His disciples saying
“Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am”? Peter replied, “You are the Christ {Messiah} the Son of the ‘Living God” Matthew 16:16.
The Scripture overflows with names; titles; designations to
describe Jesus Christ.

He is the Alpha and Omega; The Anointed One;
The Beloved Son of the Almighty God;
The Way; The truth, and The Life;
The great I AM; The Good Shepherd;
The Deliverer; Emmanuei-‘God with Us’.
He is Omnipresent, “everywhere at the same time”; Omnipotent,
“all powerful”; Omniscient, “knows all things”.
Jesus came to reveal the Father(John 15:9) and to redeem
mankind; to promise resurrection, and to assure us Christians of
life after death.

Jesus’ name is above every name, It is true, “Every knee shall
bow”; “every tongue shall confess. Jesus! (Phil 2:19-11)
His name is the only name by which we are saved (Acts 4:12)
Friends there is none like Jesus, He never wrote a book, but He is
the subject of the Bible. He never owned a house but He has
prepared a home for every Christian. He did not have a medical
degree or license but is known as the Great Physician.
I am grateful, I do know Him. He is the dearest person in my life.
Do you know Jesus?

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First Nations Baptist Church