Your Life Matter to God

On the same day, when the evening was come. Jesus said unto them(the Twelve) “Let us

cross to the over to the other side” (Mark 4:35-37)

The world we live in today seems to grow over more tumultuous, with the future uncertain. Diseases, Coronavirus and death, war

and conflict, violence and disasters The hardships difficulties and suffering people are now experiencing may seem like evidence that God does not care, but this is not true. Some of the greatest saints in Christian history have endured great suffering without doubting God’s love for them. God has not promised us Christians

an easy life journey, even in the middle of our trials like now, we can know with certainty that our lives matter to God.

When we are at low points in our life journey, we may be tempted to believe we do not really matter to God. Although we may also feel that we do

not matter to anyone in the world., but as God’s children, believers, we matter deeply to God according to! John 3:1-3

The Gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all relay the story of a perfect storm in the lives of Jesus disciples on the Sea of Galilee. It happened

that: “A great windstorm arose and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling” {Mark 4: 37). Fatigue; Confusion; Confusion; Darkness

and Tempest. The perfect Storm had arrived. Jesus was asleep on a pillow. The disciples woke Him up and said to Him “Teacher, Do you not care that we are perishing”[mark 4:38}. Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea “Pease be Still” and there was a great calm”{Mark 4:39}

Friends, The Storm on the sea of Galilee service as a metaphor to remind Christians that no one is exempt from life journey storms just because he 

or she follow Jesus Christ. In all of life journey storms, Christians must remember that Jesus is in the boat with us. He is present and in control,

nothing surprise Him. Your life matters to God. He promised in John 14:27 He will bring peace- no how tempestuous our surrounding and will land us

safely at His intendent destination. You and I can make it through life with Jesus on our side.

Do you ever feel that you do not matter to God? How has knowing that  you matter to God motivate you to live for Christ rather than to live for yourself?

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First Nations Baptist Church