Will you follow Him?

Will you follow Him? The Cost of Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ: God Cares

“…In this world you shall have tribulations be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” John 16:33

Notice that Jesus explicitly warned His disciples/followers, that you will have tribulations, trials, conflicts, persecutions will come. But He, Jesus has overcome the world. The Lord Jesus predicted that His disciples will be scattered, abandoning Him in the hour of need. Only John would be present when He hung on the cross. (John 19:26)

Friends, Jesus explicitly warned His disciples, that rough times and rough waters were ahead of all His believers including you and me. Jesus told them they will be persecuted and martyred and that He would die and be resurrected. He also guaranteed His trustworthiness and faithfulness affirming, He would guide them toward undeniable triumph, success and everlasting hope (John 16:1-33)

Our heavenly Father never takes His eyes off His children (Psalm 12;1-4). While we cannot prevent trials, heartache, or loss, we can live with confidence and strong faith relying on an ever-present Helper and Protector who watches over our lives (Psalm 121:5-8). When believers encounter days of feeling lost and helpless, we can trust that our all-knowing God will never loses sight of His beloved children.

Friends, believers/disciples, should be encouraged; there is no place on = earth and in heaven where we are outside the watchful care our heavenly = Father. When we feel alone, God is with us.;. God is our shelter, He is our rock; we can cling. to Him for refuge (Psalm 91:2,4)

What trials are trying to define you? ·Remember, God Cares

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First Nations Baptist Church